Lets have some exam tips before you go for your SLC.
Taking care of your precious time I want to suggest and share some important exam tips or do’es and don’ts before you go for your exam in some clear points with bullets. SLC causes the huge mental pressure not by itself but in fact given by our society, family, schools, teachers and by our entire education system. Coz lastly they measure your competency of your school education over here. So if even you are strong enough for you examination all these mentioned factors affect your mentality and finally you got pressure. Whatever remember and follow these exam tips and tricks to make yourself more strong and confident.
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Control your mind to minus the exam pressure.
Exam tips 1: To do so you have to cheat your mind and suppose you are going for a movie rather for a exam and SLC. This can help you to decrease your mental pressure of exam. SLC causes the huge mental pressure not by itself but in fact given by our society, family, schools, teachers and by our entire education system. Coz lastly they measure your competency of your school education over here.
Be confident, don’t loose your moral.
Exam tips 2: Whatever you haven’t prepared very well it doesn’t matters lot but if you lose your confident in your exam it will lead to your failure so don’t loose your moral and confident. Go for your exam such as your are going to show off your skill on which you are perfect like singing, dancing, painting etc.
Don’t sleep late night, sleep early and well.
Exam tips 3: Never choose your last night for better prepare before your exam. Most students think that what we study last night will be more fruitful to us but this is not the fact rather it will spoil all your pre-gained competency. That’s why it would be better to sleep early and take rest before the night of your exam.
Never depend on cheat.
Exam tips 4: Cheating in exam is like a disease or like the habit of drug. Most students depend on cheat to solve their paper which is not good for board exams like SLC or any others. Don’t cheat coz it let you live only if you are not caught after you caught there is no chance for your excuse.
Never depend on your friends.
Exam tips 5: Are you depending on your best friend like a parasite? Exam is not just a exam rather it is a competition among with your friends. I never mean not to believe them but I must say never depend into your entire exam.
Go before one hour into your exam center.
Exam tips 6: Who knows what happens when you are on the way coz you are in Nepal 😉 ,so have lots of time margin form home to exam center and reach before one hour over there. You must have lots of time to search your seat, to write your exam detail on your paper sheet, to adjust yourself in the exam hall environment etc.
Control your diet before the last week.
Exam tips 7: Yes, control your diet. Don’t afraid its also a good exam tips for your better exam coz you know health is wealth, if you have better health your concentration would be best. Don’t eat heavy diet, alcohol like beer, wine etc and yes eat lots of proper diet food like fruits, milk, eggs and so on.
Manage a bit time for the rest.
Exam tips 8: Never lead yourself into your exam with tiredness, fatigues and in a hurry so don’t read regularly more than 4 hours. Take a proper rest and entertain yourself during your preparation at the difference of every hours.
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Don’t show off your attitude.
Image courtesy: FreeDigitalPhotos.net Exam tips 9: While you use to be into your exam desk never show attitude or angry looks through out your exam period with anyone especially with your examiner who is in-front of you. You must show your looks as if you are so helpful, innocent, helpless, happy, calm and yes be Bindas in your exam hall.
Talk with your lips and breath.
Exam tips 10: To Obviously we can’t live without some help and guidance in our exam for that you must talk or interact with your friend or neighbor but at that don’t moment never speak up at all rather in such condition we must communicate with others using sign language, whispering, murmuring, by lipsing and with gestures.
Ready, get set and go.
Exam tips 11: Finally before 10 minutes of your exam close your eyes, take humble breathe with thinking positive on your mind. Take regular long breathe closing your eyes and make ready your body and mind for the race. Long breath, closed eyes , positive thinking, long breath, closed eyes, positive thinking. Now go for it.
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At last I wanna wish for your better examination. Rock your exam with 100% confident mode and happy looks.
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thank uh so much for ur amazing tips
Glad that it helps you Prakriti.
Don’t forget to share it with your friends.
SEE ma pass hune vaiyo college ko admission aile nai garnu paryo……………………..KIDDING
thanks for this awesome Tips
thank you for the tips….
YA ……All tips I know but here iz no any that tips which makes sharp brain.
Yes all those tips are awesome and must be followed to get success in slc.
Going to implement them……..
Its awesome for theeee slc preparing students and other too.